Inaugural Exciton Science Publication Awards
The winners of the Inaugural Exciton Science Publication Awards were announced at the Annual Workshop on 12 December 2017. Congratulations to Dr Laszlo Frazer for taking out first prize for the paper on "Endothermic singlet fission is hindered by excimer formation".
The prizes were awarded to Centre post doctoral researchers for 2017 articles affiliated with the Centre. The awards went to:
First prize: Laszlo Frazer
Cameron B. Dover, Joseph K Gallaher, Laszlo Fraser, Patrick C. Tapping, Anthony J. Petty II, Maxwell J. Crossley, John E. Anthony, Tak W. Kee, Timothy W. Schmidt 2017 "Endothermic singlet fission is hindered by excimer formation" doi:10.1038/nchem.2926
Second prize: Wei Li
Li W, Rothmann MU, Liu A, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Pascoe AR, Lu J, Jiang L, Chen Y, Huang F, Peng Y, Bao Q, Etheridge J, Bach U, Cheng YB 2017 "Phase Segregation Enhanced Ion Movement in Efficient Inorganic CsPbIBr2 Solar Cells "Advanced Energy Materials, 7 (20), 1700946
Third Prize: Debadi Chakraborty
Chongyue Yi, Pratiksha D. Dongare, Man-Nung Su, Wenxiao Wang, Debadi Chakraborty, Fangfang Wen, Wei-Shun Chang, John E. Sader, Peter Nordlanderc, Naomi J. Halas and Stephan Link 2017 "Vibrational coupling in plasmonic molecules" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences United States of America, 114, 44, 11621-11626