Centre Structure
The ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science focuses on three core activities.
- Research: deliver high quality research outcomes.
- Translations: make an impact on industry and inspire the next generation of researchers.
- Administration: use public resources effectively to achieve the mission of the Centre.
The Director is Professor Paul Mulvaney. He is supported by an Executive Board representing the Centre's key portfolio areas of Science, People, Industry and Education and the Chief Operating Officer.
An Advisory Board, with experts in each of the core activities, provides oversight to ensure that the Centre is meeting its goals. The Advisory Board is chaired by Dr Gerry Wilson.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for reviewing the strategic direction of the Centre, assessing progress against projected milestones and implementing strategic changes to the Centre’s research directions or operation.
Centre Advisory Board
The Centre Advisory Board reviews all aspects of the Centre’s operations, including administrative functions, strategic planning and decision making, intellectual property, outreach and commercial translation.

Industry Advisory Committee
The Industry Advisory Committee is tasked with assisting the Centre in connecting with a broad range of organisations, strengthening industry engagement, and providing advice on translating research into commercial activities.

International Scientific Advisory Committee
This Committee provides scientific oversight and advice to the Centre.

Science Committee
The Science Committee is comprised of the eight research platform leaders. The Committee is tasked with undertaking reviews of each of the research platforms and ensuring that the Centre is working collaboratively to facilitate world class research in excitonic materials, devices and processes.