Girish Lakhwani appointed Associate Dean & joins ARC College of Experts
Exciton Science Chief Investigator Girish Lakhwani has been appointed Associate Dean, Faculty of Science for the Strategic Partnerships and External Engagement (SPEE) portfolio at the University of Sydney.
Girish, an Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry, will lead the Faculty of Science’s work in all areas of external engagement, foremost with industry, but also with other entities within the University, other universities (both Australian and international), government organisations, and NGOs.
He will facilitate the interaction of the academic staff of the Faculty with industry and government organisations, including communication of the Faculty’s research strengths, development of partnerships, initiating research agreements and maintenance of ongoing relationships.
In addition to his new role as Associate Dean, Girish has been selected to join the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts.
To support the advancement of knowledge and contribute to national innovation, the ARC engages a College of Experts to play a key role in identifying research excellence.
Its members are experts of international standing drawn from the Australian research community - from higher education, industry and public sector research organisations.
To read more about the ARC College of Experts, go to: https://www.arc.gov.au/about/our-organisation/committees/arc-college-experts