Exciton Annual Awards
At the Exciton Science Annual Workshop on 25 September 2018, we presented out annual awards for publications and posters. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who participated!
Publications award:
First prize: Debora Monego
Thomas Kister, Debora Monego, Paul Mulvaney, Asaph Widmer-Cooper, and Tobias Kraus, 2018 Colloidal Stability of Apolar Nanoparticles: The Role of Particle Size and Ligand Shell Structure, ACS Nano, 12 (6), pp 5969–5977.
Second prize: Jianfeng Lu
Jianfeng Lu, Xiongfeng Lin, Xuechen Jiao, Thomas Gengenbach, Andrew D Scully, Liangcong Jiang, Boer Tan, Jingsong Sun, Bin Li, Narendra Pai, Udo Bach, Alexandr N Simonov, Yi-Bing Cheng, 2018 Interfacial benzenethiol modification facilitates charge transfer and improves stability of cm-sized metal halide perovskite solar cells with up to 20% efficiency, Energy & Environmental Science, 11, 1880-1889.
Third Prize: Heyou Zhang
Heyou Zhang, Jasper Cadusch, Calum Kinnear, Timothy James, Ann Roberts, and Paul Mulvaney, 2018 Direct Assembly of Large Area Nanoparticle Arrays, ACS Nano, 12 (8), pp 7529–7537.
Posters awards - Post Docs
Siobhan Bradley
Randy Sabatini
Laszlo Fraser
Andrew Tilley
Stefano Bernardi
Poster awards - Students
Julien Leoni
Can Gao
Debora Monego
Wenxin Mao